What interventions mentioned under “Managing Stress” do you currently use and why?
- Which aspects of the article did you find most interesting?
- In what ways does this study expand your thinking (e.g., what did you learn, application, information, etc.) about wellness methods and strategies?
- What is one question you have in regards to this article?
- How will you use this information in the nursing or health science fields?
- How will you use this information for your personal wellness?
- Referring back to Ch2: Emotional and Spiritual Well-being, Ch3: Caring for Your Mind, and Ch4: Stress Management
- Ch2. What lessons/methods/tools from positive psychology, spiritual health, and sleep and health do you currently use and why (e.g. how do they benefit you)? Or which lessons/methods/tools that you would like to apply/try to your life and why?
- Ch3. What self-care strategies do you currently use and how do they benefit you? Or which self-care strategies do you want to apply/try and why?
- Ch4. What interventions mentioned under “Managing Stress” do you currently use and why? Or which interventions would you like to apply/try and why?