Research designs and methods: An applied guide for the scholar-practitioner.
Post a brief description of your topic of research interest. Next, state the philosophical orientation that reflects your worldview and explain the epistemological and ontological assumptions of this orientation. Then, explain how these assumptions lend themselves to one or more research approaches.
The post is free of grammar, writing, and spelling errors.
- Identify a research topic that interests you. Use this format:
“A research topic that interests me is… …”
- Identify and state the philosophical orientation that reflects your worldview. Use this format:
“The philosophical orientation that reflects my world view is… …”
- Define epistemology and provide an APA formatted reference and citation for the definition. Use this format:
“Epistemology is… …”
- Define ontology and provide an APA formatted reference and citation for the definition. Use this format:
“Ontology is… …”
- Identify and discuss 1 epistemological and 1 ontological assumption of your philosophical orientation. Use this format:
“An epistemological assumption of (state your philosophical assumption) is… …”
“An ontological assumption of (state your philosophical assumption) is… …”
- Identify a research approach and provide an APA formatted reference and citation that supports your choice as a research approach. Use this format:
“A research approach for (state either your epistemological or your ontological assumption) is… …
- Explain how your epistemological or ontological assumption fits your research approach.
Philosophy of Science: For this Discussion, you will identify an area of interest for a possible research topic. As you read about the different philosophical orientations in this week’s readings, consider if one of these orientations most closely aligns with your worldview and a particular approach to research.
Babbie, E. (2017). Basics of social research (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
- Chapter 1, “Human Inquiry and Science”
Burkholder, G. J., Cox, K. A., Crawford, L. M., & Hitchcock, J. H. (Eds.). (2020). Research designs and methods: An applied guide for the scholar-practitioner. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Chapter 1, “Introduction to Research”
- Chapter 2, “Philosophical Foundations and the Role of Theory in Research”