Did you experience any other memories or a flooding of memories?
Students will identify an item that represents their childhood and elicits a response of childhood memories (food, toy, tv show, place, song). Practicing emotional awareness and mindfulness techniques as currently explored in this course, students will bring awareness to any triggered reactions the childhood item elicits, such as; what emotions arose for you? What, if any, critical cognitions arose for you? What body sensations arose? Did a specific sense trigger these memories (touch, taste, smell, sight, sound)? Did you experience any other memories or a flooding of memories? Did you feel detached from the emotional experience? What would you have wanted someone to know about your experience in childhood? What questions could someone have asked to understand your experience better? How would it be beneficial to have someone explore your triggered response with you? Would there be any downside to having someone explore your triggered response? What personal resources would you need to explore this response with another person?
Once the triggered response has been explored through the above questions, students will use their self awareness and mindfulness skills in identifying 2 open ended questions a clinical social could ask to better understand your experience and what about these two questions would be useful in further exploration.