Do you agree that it is the behavior of leaders that largely determines employee engagement? 

Write 300 words on discussion and respond to two articles with 200 words each


1)Write 300 words for discussion with 3 peer reviewed references

Do you agree that it is the behavior of leaders that largely determines employee engagement?  What might be some other factors that influence engagement?2) Respond to two articles with 200 words each


Article 1


The behavior of leaders that largely determines employee engagement

I agree that it is the behavior of leaders that largely determines employee engagement because the importance of communication has been proven by the fact that even when employees are aware of how important their engagement is for their performance in the workplace, their engagement is still affected by their leaders’ behavior. Leaders need to be aware that, in order for their behavior to have a positive impact on employees, the communication between the leader and the employee is very important. Leaders’ and managers’ behavior should be based on a positive, encouraging, and respectful approach, because this will lead to an improvement in employee’s engagement (Sun & Bunchapattanasakda, 2019).

Factors that influence engagement

Growth opportunities

Feeling that you have a clear chance of evolution within a company is one of the factors most valued by employees. Having a well-structured career plan is capable of stimulating the self-development of its employees, who may have a real professional objective to be achieved. After all, if you know that, regardless of your efforts, you will never reach a new position, or make progress in your roles within the company, you will hardly feel motivated enough to deliver your best. Having the feeling that it will not be possible to leave the same place is a real obstacle for any employee to feel engaged (Xu, 2017).

This is a decisive factor not only for retaining talent, but also for attracting them. Therefore, try to talk about career plans with your employees. But, of course, always considering the company’s strategic plans and limitations, as well as the skills of each employee. Also offer new responsibilities and study challenging tasks that can generate professional growth and learning for your employees. Also invest in consistent feedback on a frequent basis, aiming to improve the performance of each member of your team (Xu, 2017).


One of the main engagement actions in companies indisputably knows how to offer rewards. It is essential that your employees feel that their work is not only yielding results, but being valued. Rewards such as salary increases, or simply amounts compatible with the market, are good options to consider when recognizing good employees. But beware: rewards are not just about rewards. Always try to give praise when you see a good job, opt for celebrations for achievements that please your employees and other ways to encourage your team (Xu, 2017).


Sun, L., & Bunchapattanasakda, C. (2019). Employee engagement: A literature review. International Journal of Human Resource Studies9(1), 63-80.

Xu, J., Liu, Y., & Chung, B. (2017). Leader psychological capital and employee work engagement: The roles of employee psychological capital and team collectivism. Leadership & Organization Development Journal.


Article 2


Behavior of leaders that largely determines employee engagement

If the attitude of leaders is good, I believe that the followers will also lead a nice life. Yes, I believe that leadership behaviour is a significant factor in employee engagement. If the leader is ineffective, the followers will suffer as a result. The ability to be cheerful, energetic, and optimistic is consequently critical for the leader to have success. Leaders play the most significant responsibilities in a company’s operations. They are often the public face of the organisation. They are responsible for overseeing all operations, including the work environment, the personnel, and the overall success of the organisation. As a result, they bear a significant amount of responsibility. As a result, all leaders must be excellent since they are ultimately accountable for the company’s success.

The most vital function to play is that of a leader. Everyone agrees that leadership is more essential than management in most situations(Kelly & Nicholson, 2021). Leaders do not exercise control, but they do influence the organization’s progress in a certain direction. As a result, leaders are analogous to the captain of the ship. They must also guarantee that there is discipline in the organisation, and that the workers adhere to these rules. A company’s and society’s most significant component is its ability to demonstrate effective leadership. It is a mix of abilities as well as the capacity to motivate and inspire others. The company’s leadership is on par with the leadership of the nation and the leadership of the community.

Some other factors that influence engagement


The objective of connection is to foster a feeling of belonging to a group of people who are working toward a similar goal. This idea is intended to arouse in the collaborator a sensation of belonging to something far greater than himself. Always, rather than “I” or “them,” the emphasis is placed on “us.” In order to increase employee engagement, the most crucial thing to know is that productivity increases significantly when this is achieved. People will work harder and in less time as a result of this. You’ll save time by not having to spend as much time correcting problems, taking remedial action, terminating individuals, and hiring new employees. Engagement allows you to acquire time rather than squander it.

Alignment of the employee with the organization’s objectives

It is formed an emotional connection between the employee and the firm when the employee violates the company’s mission, which strengthens the employee’s feeling of belonging. Because the employee sees himself putting in the effort day after day for something in which he genuinely believes, the organization’s objectives end up becoming his or her own as well. It is critical for this to occur that human resources creates a very strong and well defined corporate culture. Discourse alone is not sufficient; it is vital to have activities that are consistent with and true to the intended identity(Morrison, 2007). Thus, the company’s values will be reinforced in every aspect of the daily work routine, resulting in increased professional involvement on the part of employees. One of the most significant benefits of having workers who are connected with the company’s goals is that the company’s talent retention rate will rise. After all, if a professional believes that they work in an environment that reflects their own beliefs, they are more likely to reconsider their decision to pursue chances with other firms.


Kelly, D., & Nicholson, A. (2021). Ancestral leadership: Place-based intergenerational leadership. Leadership, 174271502110240. doi: 10.1177/17427150211024038

Morrison, A. (2007). Leadership diversity and leadership challenge. Leadership In Action12(3), 1-4. doi: 10.1002/lia.4070120301




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