Identify the constitutional powers of Congress.
- Identify the constitutional powers of Congress.
- Select your House of Representative or one of your two Senators.
- Your member of Congress serves on various committees and/or subcommittees in Congress. Identify and describe those committees and/or subcommittees.
- What political, social, and economic issues are important to your member of Congress?
- Write a letter to your selected member of Congress. Please include the following:
- An analysis of how this member of Congress aligns with you regarding at least two political issues.
- Support your analysis with specific legislation that your member of Congress either wrote (sponsored) or voted for or against.
- An analysis of how this member of Congress aligns with you regarding at least two political issues.
Readings provided:
- The Voter’s Self Defense System. (n.d.). Retrieved from
- (n.d.). – Candidates on the Issues. Retrieved from
- Data on Campaign Finance, Super PACs, Industries, and Lobbying. (n.d.). Retrieved from
- (n.d.). Retrieved from