Infant and Toddler Book List
TITLE: Infant and Toddler Book List
Introduction: This assignment will allow you to add to your book list created in other classes. The focus will be on books for infants and toddlers that meet the criteria found in ITERS (Infant Toddlers Environmental Rating Scale). Pay close attention to the categories permitted as you create your book list. Quality books enhance literacy development, language development, and socialization skills.
The Assignment
Develop a list of 20 books appropriate for use in an infant/toddler classroom. (Ages 6 weeks-2 years). Use the following categories from ITERS (Infant and Toddler Environmental Rating Scales): realistic nature books (include pets and common farm animals), picture books of people of different races, ages and abilities, and familiar objects and routines. Give title, author, illustrator, copyright date and a one – two sentence description of the content. A table or spreadsheet is preferred to show organization for each book.
Grading Criteria
0 – 20 points – 20 book titles listed
0 – 20 points – author/illustrator listed for each book
0 – 20 points – appropriate category listed
0 – 20 points – copyright date listed for each book
0 – 20 points – two sentences description of book that includes age target audience (for example: one years old, infants, two years old