Criteria Levels of Achievement

Evaluative Essay 2 Grading Rubric

Criteria Levels of Achievement

Content 70% Advanced 90-100% (A) Proficient 70-89% (B-C) Developing 1-69% (< D) Not present


30 points 30 to27 points

o Thesis statement provides a clear, strong analysis, responding to the topic prompt.

o Paper demonstrates exceptional critical thinking skills.

o Logical presentation of information, body supports the thesis statement.

26 to 21 points

o Thesis statement is clear but could be stronger.

o Paper demonstrates good critical thinking skills.

o Logical presentation with good connections, but could be stronger.


o Thesis statement does not provide a clear analysis.

o OR Thesis statement is evident but misplaced (located somewhere other than the end of the introduction).

o Evidence of critical thinking skills, but analysis could be stronger or more evident.

o Weak logic, or missing connections.

20 to 1 points

o Missing thesis statement.

o Focus of paper is more informative than analytical, with details focusing on the what rather than the why or how.

0 points

o Does not meet minimum requirements for the assignment.

**See instructor feedback for specifics.


30 points 30 to 27 points

o Draws from assigned sources for supporting details.

o Provides specific, detailed support.

o Clear connections are made throughout the writing to show how supporting documents prove the main argument.

o No outside sources were consulted or used.

26 to 21 points

o Draws from assigned sources for supporting details, but support could be more specific.

o Connections are made between supporting details and main argument, but these could be more clear.


o Supporting details are provided but connections are largely missing between the supporting details and the main argument.

20 to 1 points

o To include any of the following:

o Supporting details drawn primarily from textbook/lectures, instead of assigned sources.

o OR

o Supporting details merely informative and do not show clear connection to the thesis.

o OR

o Outside sources used in support.

0 points

o Does not meet minimum requirements for the assignment.

**See instructor feedback for specifics.

Biblical Evaluation

10 points 10 to 9 points

o Clear, Biblical evaluation provided, drawing from specific Scripture for support.

8 to 7 points

o Biblical evaluation is evident, and some use of Scripture is given for support.


o Attempt at Biblical evaluation is provided, but support could be stronger.

6 to 1 points

o Christian worldview is evident in the writing, and some examples or details may be given, but a specific Biblical evaluation is not evident/clear.

o No Scriptural support

o OR

o Scripture included but connections to evaluation are not evident.

o 0 points

o Does not meet minimum requirements for the assignment.

**See instructor feedback for specifics.

Structure 30% Advanced 90-100% (A) Proficient 70-89% (B-C) Developing 1-69% (< D) Not present

Paper Organization

15 points 15 to14 points

o Paper includes a clear and strong introduction, body and conclusion.

o No errors in paragraph unity, development or transitions.

13 to 11 points

o Essay format is evident, but either introduction or conclusion is weak.

o Minor errors only in paragraph unity/development.

o Transitions could be stronger.


o Missing either introduction or conclusion.

o Major errors in paragraph unity or development

o Missing or weak transitions.

10 to 1 points

o Missing both introduction and conclusion.

o Errors in paragraph unity/development, or transitions make it difficult to understand the main argument of the post.

0 points

o Does not meet minimum requirements for the assignment.

**See instructor feedback for specifics.

Grammar and Format

15 points 15 to 14  points

o Follows Turabian Notes-Bibliography style formatting with no errors. This includes margins, 12 point Times New Roman font, spacing, pagination and footnotes.

o Shows clarity of language.

o No errors in grammar, diction, usage, phraseology, or sentence structure.

o Within the required word count limit. (750-1100) 13 to 11 points

o To include any of the following:

o Minor errors in formatting.

o Minor errors in clarity, grammar, diction, usage, phraseology or sentence structure.

o Minor errors in word count.


o To include any of the following:

o Major errors in formatting.

o Major errors in clarity, grammar, diction, usage, phraseology or sentence structure.

o Major errors in word count requirements.

10 to 1 points

o Formatted using a different guide than Turabian. (For example, MLA or APA)

o Errors in clarity, grammar, diction, etc. are major enough to detract from overall understanding of the writing

o OR

More than 100 words over/under required word count limitations.

0 points

o Does not meet minimum requirements for the assignment.

**See instructor feedback for specifics.




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