KB Requirements
KB Requirements
Knowledgebase –. Rather than give you quizzes or tests in this class, I want you to create a knowledgebase. This it is a far more effective way not only for me to measure what you are learning, but for you to absorb the material in a way that you are much more likely to recall it in the future. You will be required to submit your knowledgebase (KB) twice throughout this course that answers all of the questions detailed below.
KB Rules
1. Please use the KB requirements. They are located in the module assignments as well as in the course resources. Please organize your KB as follows:
a. Please include:
i. The Module Number
ii. The question number
iii. The question
iv. Your answer
2. Each module’s KB should be a minimum of 3 double-spaced pages. (PLEASE USE NO LARGER THAN A 12 POINT FONT) and margins no larger than 1” wide. Please note that graphics should not be included in the page length.
3. You must incorporate cited resources for each question into your KB (can use the text, the module resources, or qualified internet sources). Feel free to incorporate a quote or cut and paste information into your KB, but you need to make sure that you have properly quoted and cited your sources, and that they are properly vetted sources. If you are quoting a source then they need to have the credentials that qualify them as an expert on the topic. So make sure if you are quoting a post from a forum, blog or vlog; make sure the person who wrote it is considered an expert in the field based on either formal education or a designation achieved.
4. While I encourage you to get additional information from the internet (in properly vetted sources as described above); I need to understand what you know. Therefore, while I encourage you to add direct quote information and/or resources into your knowledgebase from , that cannot be your entire answer. Instead use that as a jumping off point. Your KB needs to reflect what you have learned and/or understand about the material in your own words.