I hope that you all have chosen your respective articles on “Globalization.”
I hope that you all have chosen your respective articles on “Globalization.”
Professor Message:
I hope that you all have chosen your respective articles on “Globalization.” I wanted to make clear (in case there is some lack of clarity) that this is an individual assignment. Each one of you will have a separate article presentation (write-up and video for class). I established this group only for administration purposes so I would have to include those who were not presenting tomorrow. This will also give you a chance to raise questions.
This topic of globalization is wide and varied so you may consider narrowing down your search to something you enjoy. As far as the sample video, I have had questions about software. I use a variety of tools, but Camtasia is the main tool. You don’t have to do a professional grade video, but you can use online tools that will allow you the ability to edit, cut out mistakes, glitches, and maybe an opening slide and an ending slide. There are probably tools on your laptop. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but should be effective and look polished. Attire is business casual (minimum).