Should all army weapon be ban ?
- o plagiarism
- Length: 2000 words at a bare minimum; no maximum
- MLA paper format
- In-text citations, using signal phrases and page numbers
- Synthesis (as we have studied, not one source at a time, but putting sources in conversation–sources can confirm, complement, complicate, or contradict each other. See Norton, Chapter 50. See especially the sample on pages 520-521, noting that the writer pulls together multiple sources in a paragraph and even in a single sentence (but realize that we are using MLA in-text citation, not the system of citation used in that article).
- No plagiarism, whether or not intentional (including patch writing)
- Use of scholarly sources: all sources must come from the library databases. You must specifically use in text and cite at least 10 sources.
- Correct, clear, and elegant writing (Links to an external site.)
- Cohesion (Links to an external site.) and unity