Introduction to Outdoor Education in the Backcountry.
Week 1
Hello RTM 150,
Welcome to Introduction to Outdoor Education in the Backcountry. Our online community will primarily interact and participate via CANVAS. Each week you will have different Online Participation Criteria. Some weeks may be posting a response to online readings, taking a short online skills course, online quizzes, or responding to your fellow student’s posts.
1- Read through the Syllabus (make sure this course content aligns with your schedule and your own academic goals for this semester)
2- Introduce your self digitally by typing response on CANVAS below. Please provide the following information –
-Your Name
– What your favorite outdoor recreational activity
-Your major/area of study at CSUN
-Your reason for taking this course/what you hope to gain from this course
– What you think Outdoor Education means (no outside reading or sources required)
– What you think Backcountry refers to (no outside reading or sources required)
*Any and all participation is equivalent to full credit, so you may make your responses as long or as short as you would like.
As a reminder, all posts on CANVAS (both in the Discussion or Assignments section) should be done at a collegiate level. Content should be thoughtful and on-topic, your own and/or properly cited.